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Have the Highest Experience Possible
Every Single Day 

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Join Miracles Course Now for Radical Transformation
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You are not alone. You are loved. 

Experience the Revolution of Mind.

It’s been a long journey. We’ve all struggled to get here – but it's finally happening. We're coming together. I’m glad to have you with us.

We are coming together in force to completely transform this world. This is your chance to tune in and work miracles in your life and the world.

Love is like an intelligent energy that when released into the world goes on and on shaping the world in its own image. Self-transcendence is the key to channeling massive amounts of love.

Garret John

This Work Saved a Child’s Life

Through our practice, Kristin was led to be in the just the right place at just the right time to save a child’s life. Her training in self-transcendence gave her the clarity to call in the Light under pressure and work this miracle.
~ Kristen

"This is What I was Looking for My Entire Life."

I lost 25 pounds just calling in the Light. I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my life. I feel more alive than I’ve ever felt in my entire life. It is the most amazing gift I’ve ever been given. 
~ Michele

“This is Really Really Strong. This Will Change Your Life.”

I needed to be convinced more than anybody, but this will change your life for. I feel called to say this. You should EXPECT results from this. You should expect that this is going to change your life.
~ Phil

This Work Saved a Child’s Life

Through our practice, Kristin was led to be in the just the right place at just the right time to save a child’s life. Her training in self-transcendence gave her the clarity to call in the Light under pressure and work this miracle.
~ Kristen

"This is What I was Looking for My Entire Life."

I lost 25 pounds just calling in the Light. I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my life. I feel more alive than I’ve ever felt in my entire life. It is the most amazing gift I’ve ever been given. 
~ Michele

“This is Really Really Strong. This Will Change Your Life.”

I needed to be convinced more than anybody, but this will change your life for. I feel called to say this. You should EXPECT results from this. You should expect that this is going to change your life.
~ Phil

You are not alone. You are loved. 

It’s time. The revolution of love is upon us.

We need light workers to come together to work miracles for our world.

It’s been a long journey. We’ve all struggled to get here – but our soul group is finally coming together. I’m glad to have you with us.

In the coming weeks we are going to be reaching out to more of our brothers and sisters. We need your help to do this. I may text you, asking you for help in various ways – your involvement means the world to us and to our collective success in ushering in a new era of Light.

Soon we will be coming together in force to completely transform this world, but before then you may enjoy some training so you are fully aware of how to use your powers to work miracles in your life and the world.

Can you feel it? Something is different in how the world works these days. It's like there is a new physics engine running our lives - and working miracles is becoming a skill you can develop.

Garret John


This Miracles Course is here to help you accelerate your most powerful process.

  • Do you believe in miracles?
  • Is there a miracle you want right now?
  • Are you ready to experience things you can't explain?
  • Do you sense you have way more power than you can seem to access?
  • Do you feel like your highest calling has been taking a backseat to other concerns?
  • Are you ready to rise to a higher level of service?
  • Do you see what’s going on in our world and wish you could do more?
  • Well, this is the more.

As you may have experienced from my videos, I’m tapping into something transcendent that gives people goosebumps, triggers catharsis and lights people up. This is why my videos go viral and why they reach tens of millions of people when they should only reach thousands.

This is the stuff of miracles, but just the tip of the iceberg of what you can do when you connect with this power.

The miracles that make my videos go viral come from the same place as miracles that can transform your life and heal the world. Many call this place Heaven – and this is what I’ve been called to connect you with.

In this course I will show you how to experience Heaven directly and help create Heaven on Earth.

This course will raise your consciousness to a higher level and make you capable of things you never thought possible.

You will experience divine love. You will experience miracles – and you will be shown how to work these miracles in your life and the lives of others.

You will be prepared with the tools necessary to confront the darkness of our world, and you will be connected with the power to usher in a new era of light.

You will be connected with mighty companions on a mission that will so utterly change you and this world, that you will be astounded with delight.

If you are called to this, then:

  • This is everything you’ve been waiting for.
  • This is what your soul is called to do.
  • This will transform every aspect of your life, bringing you greater health, wealth, love and happiness.
  • This is the beginning of a miraculous journey that will literally blow your mind.

I wouldn’t be able to say all this if I hadn’t already experienced it for myself.
I will show you how to connect with Heaven – then we need your help to bring it into the world.

Course Format

This is an online course where I will present and work with you via livestream. There will be seven (or more) live 1-2 hour sessions which will also be recorded for you.

What material will these sessions contain?

  • A framework for understanding the Universe in a way that encourages miracles
  • How to win the game of life
  • How to see what’s really going on behind the veil
  • How to have everything you really want, and how to find Heaven
  • How to escalate your issues to a higher power and get immediate results
  • How to take inspired action by cultivating your miracle impulse
  • How to rewire your mind to become aware of miraculous opportunities
  • How to use money, health and relationships as training grounds for working miracles
Answer Your Calling

Miracles from this Course

Cysts Suddenly Disappeared!

They were going to operate on her friend’s child to remove some cysts. When I added my friend’s child to this process and “the cysts disappeared!” The doctors were amazed and no surgery had to be performed.  ~ Nani

This Saved His Life

This work gave Darin the affinity with the Divine Intelligence to strongly guide him to not pull out when his stop light went green. He stood still - and in utter astonishment as he watched a truck blast through the red light. “Had I not listened to that divine voice I would have been the one that got hit by the truck."  ~ Darin

Aggressive Lung Cancer Suddenly Gone

Her friend's lung cancer was so aggressive the doctors were only hoping to slow it down. Curing was out of the question. We put her friend in our process every week “and she breezed through super aggressive treatment. She is now completely cancer free!”   ~ Patti

Cysts Suddenly Disappeared!

They were going to operate on her friend’s child to remove some cysts. When I added my friend’s child to this process and “the cysts disappeared!” The doctors were amazed and no surgery had to be performed.  ~ Nani

This Saved His Life

This work gave Darin the affinity with the Divine Intelligence to strongly guide him to not pull out when his stop light went green. He stood still - and in utter astonishment as he watched a truck blast through the red light. “Had I not listened to that divine voice I would have been the one that got hit by the truck."  ~ Darin

Aggressive Lung Cancer Suddenly Gone

Her friend's lung cancer was so aggressive the doctors were only hoping to slow it down. Curing was out of the question. We put her friend in our process every week “and she breezed through super aggressive treatment. She is now completely cancer free!”   ~ Patti

This Saved a Child’s Life

Through our practice, Kristin was led to be in the just the right place at just the right time to save a child’s life. Her training in self-transcendence gave her the clarity to call in the Light under pressure and work this miracle.  ~ Kristen

This Saved Her Career

She was about to get fired, so she worked with our group in this course to call in a miracle. Just minutes later she was called out of the blue from a leading workplace attorney who represented her the next day and won her job back. ~ Elle

Easily Lost 25 Pounds Just Calling in the Light

I lost 25 pounds just calling in the Light. I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my life. I feel more alive than I’ve ever felt in my entire life. It is the most amazing gift I’ve ever been given.  ~ Michele

This Saved a Child’s Life

Through our practice, Kristin was led to be in the just the right place at just the right time to save a child’s life. Her training in self-transcendence gave her the clarity to call in the Light under pressure and work this miracle.  ~ Kristen

This Saved Her Career

She was about to get fired, so she worked with our group in this course to call in a miracle. Just minutes later she was called out of the blue from a leading workplace attorney who represented her the next day and won her job back. ~ Elle

Easily Lost 35 Pounds Just Calling in the Light

I lost 35 pounds just calling in the Light. I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my life. I feel more alive than I’ve ever felt in my entire life. It is the most amazing gift I’ve ever been given.  ~ Michele


People's Experience in Miracles Course


“I keep coming back.

I keep coming back for lots of reasons. It is elevating and infusing positive energy that is shaking into all parts of my life." ~ Andrew

“life saving for me - a huge medicine... 

When I listen to these, it just takes the burdens off. I remember to hand it over. Let it go, don’t hold on so tight. These are life saving for me…a huge medicine for me." ~ Jacinta


“life saving for me - a huge medicine... 

When I listen to these, it just takes the burdens off. I remember to hand it over. Let it go, don’t hold on so tight. These are life saving for me…a huge medicine for me." ~ Jacinta


“This was exactly what I needed...

This was exactly what I needed…I feel completely recharged." ~ Michael

“I can’t believe I’ve been missing this…

It was so deep, I’m so blessed to be a part of this. I’m reawakened, truly." ~ Lisa

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“I NEED THIS. It’s really, really valuable.

I find myself going to these a lot more. Once you get here, allow yourself to connect to the experiences. I NEED THIS. It’s really, really valuable." ~ Bionca

Breakthrough Processes

This is not your ordinary course. You will experience miraculous breakthroughs when you try these inspired trainings.

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Meet Your Soul Tribe

You will meet members of your soul family you had no idea you could feel such intimate affinity with.

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Prior to the Miracles Course, I had been asking Life to open me up to miracles. Within days the invitation came through for the Miracles Course and I knew this was meant for me.

Since joining the course, I’m experiencing such a sense of aliveness and purpose as well as an abundance of miracles.

The practices and principles involved are simple and impactful, and the power of the Miracles Course community amplifies my own, yet I feel the real juice comes from this shared understanding that we really are impacting the world simply by [working the principles of the course] and opening to not only receiving miracles, but to allowing miracles to flow through us to others.

In so many ways Garret has been leading the charge, calling light workers and miracle workers into action, that the community has come together so quickly and with such ease reaffirms that now is the time for miracles because this is what is needed to bring about healing on a global scale.

Chelsea Ieesha Watts
Mother & Filmmaker

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When I made the decision to sign up for the Miracles Course, I felt giddy, anxious, wonder and excitement. I made the conscious choice to invest in myself.

l knew I would be starting a journey that would impact my life as much as I would allow it. I would be the gatekeeper to my true life force, choosing to be all in and I would not cheat myself out of this experience. I wanted more. And I knew I could do more with the skills and gifts I have been given.  And I knew I needed assistance.

Within this course, I was given the tools needed to start each day on a higher level, to change the way I experienced my daily activities, and to recognize and experience miracles in my life and witness miraculous events for others.

As the weeks and live calls and members continue to grow, I am growing exponentially. I am meeting like minded people who also answered the call and who are my tribe. This is going to evolve into something collectively greater than all of us, and I am all in.

Cori E. 
Product Manager

Are you ready to answer your highest calling? The world needs you now. 

This is what you've been waiting for. Your time is now.

Answer Your Calling
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